Apron Goldswift's Alien Cabaret takes place when a group consisting of Aliens, Humans, and a Robot beams down from the Intergalactic Pageant on a cultural exchange program to share their art and culture with the people of Earth, and to recount how Apron Goldswift became Earth's ambassador of culture. But Apron still yearns for forgiveness from his past, and he has to come to terms with both his intergalactic adventures and earthly transgressions before he can understand what makes Earth's art so important.
Apron Goldswift’s Alien Cabaret made its debut at the 2018 San Diego International Fringe Festival, where it won Outstanding Musical.
Production Stills
Archival Recording
Prologue/Impact: Apron, ALL (0:00)
Stranger Still in Town: Crystal (5:15)
The Business Side: Wes, Mort, ALL (10:55)
Four Lights/Stardust: The Piston, Wes, ALL (18:50)
A Hundred Billion Stars: G.R.E.G. (23:20)
Interstellar Ecstacy: The Globutes (28:45)
A Meditation of Erosion: Delta, ALL (33:38)
Phantasmagoria: Crystal, Wes, ALL (40:32)
Crystalize: Wes (47:32)
Up There: Apron (53:42)
Apron Goldswift/Wes Modren: Constantine Mickens
Dani/Crystal/Globute: Anna Machuca
Monicks/Piston/Globute/Mort/Plamplompian: Kion Heidari
Delta/Globute/Priestess/Plamplompian: Brooke Patterson
G.R.E.G.: Jacob Surovsky
Guitar: Zane Shrem-Besnoy
Keyboard: Ian Ross
Book and Lyrics: Jacob Surovsky
Music: Zane Shrem-Besnoy
Directed by: Josh Guicherit and Jacob Surovsky
Stage Manager: Anna Couvrette
Technical Director: Taylor Olson
Stagecrew: Shireen Heidari
Choreography by: Mikayla Chang and Ashley Yang
Alien Puppet Design/Fabrication: Jacob Surovsky